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The Biological Indicator Incubator is specifically designed to accomodate indiacator vials that are ..
$399.00 $339.15
The dry bath is a microprocessor controlled heating block with heater technology. Seven heat bl..
$337.00 $286.45
The dry bath is a microprocessor controlled heating block with heater technology and a cooling ..
$426.00 $362.10
The dry bath is a microprocessor controlled heating block with heater technology and heated lid..
$513.00 $436.05
The dry bath is a microprocessor controlled heating block with heater technology and semiconduc..
$707.00 $600.95
The dry bath is a microprocessor controlled heating block with heater technology and semiconduc..
$1,087.00 $923.95
A highly economical dry bath incubator that offers excellent temperature accuracy.This is supplied..
$511.00 $434.35
A microprocessor-controlled dry bath incubator for precise temperature control, making it a co..
$592.00 $503.20
A microprocessor-controlled dry bath incubator for precise temperature control, making it a co..
$1,189.00 $1,010.65
A programmable, microprocessor-controlled dry bath incubator for precise temperature control, ..
$1,530.00 $1,300.50
A microprocessor-controlled device with highly precise temperature control, making it an alternative..
$629.00 $534.65
A microprocessor-controlled device with highly precise temperature control, making it an alternative..
$831.00 $706.35
A microprocessor-controlled device with highly precise temperature control, making it an alternative..
$903.00 $767.55
A microprocessor-controlled device with highly precise temperature control, making it an alternative..
$1,165.00 $990.25
An electronic ice box that automitically holds a 4ºC temperature suitable for multiple tub..
$907.00 $770.95